General format : C-S and C-N: Author(s). Article title. Journal title (edition) [medium designator].
Date of publication [date updated; date cited]; volume number (issue number):
location. Notes.
N-Y: Author(s). Date of publication. Article title. Journal title [medium designator].
[date updated; date cited]; volume number (issue number): location. Notes.
The 'Notes' can include the URL or other electronic address of the item.
E journal article
Roche EA, Brown CR, Bomberger Brown M. Heritable choice of colony size in cliff swallows: does experience trump genetics in older birds? Anim Behav [Internet]. 2011. [cited 2011 November 26]: 82 (6):1275-1285. Available from:
Roche EA, Brown CR, Bomberger Brown M. 2011. Heritable choice of colony size in cliff swallows: does experience trump genetics in older birds? Anim Behav [Internet]. [cited 2011 November 26]: 82 (6):1275-1285. Available from: article/pii/S000334721100385X