Rules to Remember: a) When a personal author and an organizational author appear on the title page of a document, use the personal author as the author of the document and add the organization name as a note.
b) In citing an organization as an author, the national body such as a government agency should be cited with the country within parentheses, after the name of the organization
c) A place of publication represents the city where the book was published. The cities, such as London and New York are well known and can stand alone. However, other cities that are not so well known can be confused with cities of the same name in other countries. In order to avoid confusion, use the cities in the US / Canada with the 2 letter abbreviation for the state or province in parentheses. For the cities in other countries use the 2 letter country codes in parentheses. If the place of publication can be found elsewhere other than the title page or its verso of the book, place the city within square brackets, as “[Philadelphia]”. When a place of publication cannot be found or inferred, use the phrase “place unknown “ within square brackets.
Books with Authors
C-S and C-N |
Stockard CR. The genetic and endocrinic basis for differences in form and behavior. Philadelphia (PA): Wister Institute Press; 1941. 775 p.
N-Y |
Smith DA, Norman JB, Dykman PT. 1989. Historic Highway Bridges of Oregon. 2nd ed. Portland (OR): Historical Society Press. 323 p.
Books with Editors
C-S and C-N |
Braude S, Low BS, editors. An introduction to methods & models in ecology, evolution, & conservation biology. Princeton(NJ): Princeton University Press; c2010. 267 p.
N-Y |
Braude S, Low BS, editors. c2010. An introduction to methods & models in ecology, evolution, & conservation biology. Princeton(NJ): Princeton University Press. 267 p.
Book with a Series
C-S and C-N |
Huntington JA, Masayuki Y. Serpin polymerization in vitro. San Diego (CA): Elsevier Academic Press. c2010. (Methods in Enzymology; vol. 501). 379-420 p.
N-Y |
Huntington JA, Masayuki Y. c2010. Serpin polymerization in vitro. San Diego (CA): Elsevier Academic Press. (Methods in Enzymology; vol. 501). 379-420 p.
Book chapter in an edited book with editors
C-S and C-N |
Best P. Social organization in sperm whales, Physter macrocephalus. In: Winn HE, Olla BL, editors. Behavior of marine animals. vol. 3, Cetaceans. New York (NY): Plenum Press; 1979. p. 110-120.
N-Y |
Greenfield H. 1993. Zooarcheology, taphonomy, and the origin of food production in the Central Balkans. In: Jamieson RW, Abonyi S, Mirau NA, editors. Culture and environment: a fragile coexistence. Calgary (AB): University of Calgary Archaeological Association. p. 111-117. |
Book chapter in an encyclopedia book with no editors
C-S and C-N |
Donnell C. Endocrine glands. In: The encyclopedia Americana. International ed. Danbury (CT): Grolier Incorporated; 2001. p. 338.
N-Y |
Donnell C. 2001. Endocrine glands. In: The encyclopedia Americana. International ed. Danbury (CT): Grolier Incorporated. p. 338. |