General Format: C-S and C-N: Author(s). Title of book [medium designator]. Edition (if available).
Place of publication: publisher; date. Physical description. Notes.
N-Y: Author(s). Date. Title of book [medium designator]. Edition (if available).
Place of publication: publisher. Physical description. Notes.
Books on CD
Whertmann IS, Cortes J, editors. Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America [CD-ROM]. Dordrecht (Netherlands) :Springer;c2009. 1 CD-ROM: partially color, 4 ¾ in.
Gouget D. Ocean: Origins of Life [CD-ROM]. Australia : CSIRO Pub; 1998. 1 CD-ROM: color, sound, 4 ¾ in. Systems Requirements: Windows 95 or later; Pentium 100 Mhz or faster; 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended); hard disk with 500K; 16-bit sound card; screen resolution 640 x 480; 256 colors or more; 4x speed CD-ROM player and above.; CD-ROM drive.
Whertmann IS, Cortes J, editors. c2009. Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America [CD-ROM]. Dordrecht (Netherlands): Springer. 1 CD-ROM: partially color, 4 ¾ in.
Gouget D. 1998. Ocean: Origins of Life [CD-ROM]. Australia : CSIRO Pub. 1 CD-ROM: color, sound, 4 ¾ in. Systems Requirements: Windows 95 or later; Pentium 100 Mhz or faster; 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended); hard disk with 500K; 16-bit sound card; screen resolution 640 x 480; 256 colors or more; 4x speed CD-ROM player and above.; CD-ROM drive.