General format : C-S and C-N: Author(s). Article title. Newspaper title (edition, if available). Date of
publication; section designator: beginning page number (column number).
N-Y: Author(s). Date of publication. Article title. Newspaper title (edition, if available).
section designator: beginning page number (column number).
Rules to Remember: a) Names of newspapers are never abbreviated (e.g., “The Washington Post” not “Wash Post”. The word “The” in the name of a newspaper may be dropped if you want
b) For newspapers, always provide the full date of publication, with month and day
c) If the article is not signed, the title of the article will replace the author. Do not use “anonymous” in place of an author. The date follows the title in the name-year system for unsigned articles.
Signed Newspaper Article
C-S and
Gorman J. Chimps’ days in labs may be dwindling. New York Times (Late Ed.). 2011 Nov 15; Sect D:1(col.1).
Gorman J. 2011 Nov 15. Chimps’ days in labs may be dwindling. New York Times (Late Ed.). Sect D:1(col.1).
Unsigned Newspaper Article
Umax to end cloning of Apple machines. New York Times. 1998 May 25; Sect. D:7 (col. 5).
Umax to end cloning of Apple machines. 1998 May 25. New York Times. Sect. D:7 (col. 5).