University Archives reserve the right to decline any materials that may harbor harmful matter such as mold or insects (identified by sight or smell) and/or insects for accessioning. If there is any doubt about the condition of the materials, please contact UASC for a preliminary appraisal.
Archival records are those records (as described below) which are considered to be of enduring value to the institution and which will be kept indefinitely, if not permanently, in University Archives (Lower Level, Residence Hall A).
In evaluating individual items for Archives, one might ask the question: Would the item in question provide potentially useful information on the history, development, or organization of Adelphi University or any of its schools, departments, offices, or events? If the answer is “Yes,” please send the item to Archives. If you are uncertain, please ask us.
Archival records may be in a wide variety of formats—books, manuscripts, letters, memoranda, reports, photographs, maps, posters, architectural drawings, video and audio media, memorabilia, and electronic or digital formats (including periodic “snapshots” of the entire Adelphi website).
Archives also includes materials about Adelphi published in external sources—e.g., books, periodicals, and newspaper articles.
Pending the development of a comprehensive Records Retention Schedule, the following types of materials should be regularly deposited in University Archives:
Note: Items sent to Archives that should have “restricted access” should be clearly noted on each item. Items marked “restricted access” cannot be consulted without the permission of the University Archivist—or, in some cases, by the person or office that deposited the items.
It is suggested that each department or office designate one staff member to be responsible for insuring that the appropriate items be deposited to UASC.
If there are too many items to send through campus mail, please telephone (Extension 3588). You may bring the items over to Archives (Lower Level of Residence Hall A). Please telephone before coming over, to ensure someone is available to assist you. We can also make arrangements for a pick-up. The Archivist is also available to advise offices or to discuss with anyone the appropriateness of various types of records and materials for deposit in Archives.
If there are only a few items, they may be sent in an envelope or small box via intercampus mail, addressed to: Professor David Ranzan, c/o Swirbul Library.
(While the Department of Archives and Special Collections is located in the Lower Level of Residence Hall A, please do not address mail to Residence Hall, as items may get misdirected to the residence hall mail.)
Please clearly label all cartons—with the following information:
(Include a copy of this label inside the box. Please also keep a copy for your records.)
The following is a list of record groups that are considered either not to be of enduring value to University Archives or not appropriate for University Archives:
For off-site storage of these materials please contact Adelphi’s off-site storage facility, Chasner Street.