Our faculty librarians have carefully curated the hundreds of databases we subscribe to in order to make finding the right one easy! To find and choose a database by name, click on the Databases & More button in the OneSearch tool in the Adelphi University Libraries Website.
If you know the name of a database you want to use, such as "Academic Search Complete" or "Research Library," type it in the search box.
You can also select from a list of A-Z Databases or search for databases by subject. Go to the Advanced Search screen and click on A-Z Databases & More at the top:
An alphabetical list of all the AU Libraries' databases will come up:
To search the databases by subject, click on the All Subjects Shown drop-down menu:
And select your desired subject:
A list of databases relevant to your subject will be displayed, with suggested resources at the top (highlighted in the yellow box).