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Screening Studies

When screening for studies to be included, note the number of articles retrieved from each database and grey literature source. There may be many duplicates. Remove duplicates after the search process has been completed, noting the number of duplicates found and removed for PRISMA reporting. A citation management system such as Zotero, Mendeley  or EndNote can be helpful. (Siddaway et al., 2019).

Screen titles and abstracts based on predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria for all studies retrieved by your search Most work identified by your searches will not meet your inclusion criteria. Keep a record of studies not included  at this stage. You should have at least two independent reviewers for this process. Having two reviewers independently screening helps to reduce bias and subjectivity. Any disagreements can be resolved by a third reviewer. Record the number of articles excluded at this stage. (Mitchell & Ennis, 2022).

Screen the full-text version of potentially eligible articles to see if each is appropriate for inclusion. Note studies excluded at this stage and reasons for exclusion. Resolve any disagreements either discussing among the two reviewers or with a third reviewer. (Mitchell & Ennis, 2022).