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SR Programs & Tools

Digital Tools for Managing Different Steps of the Systematic Review Process A comprehensive chart of currently available digital tools for managing steps of the systematic review process. By Wendy Wu, Katherine Akers, Ella Hu, Alexandra Sarkozy, Patricia Vinson at Shiffman Medical Library, Wayne State University.

Wu, Wendy; Akers, Katherine; Hu, Ella; Sarkozy, Alexandra; and Vinson, Patricia, "Digital Tools for Managing Different Steps of the Systematic Review Process" (2018). Library Scholarly Publications. 136.

JBI SUMARI (Register for account) JBI Sumari (System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information) is a software package available to the Adelphi community which is designed to assist in the conduct of systematic reviews. Click here for more information on JBI Sumari.

PredicTER a software tool to help researchers and practitioners estimate the length of time necessary to complete a systematic review (SR) or systematic map (SM).

Systematic Review Accelerator The SRA is a suite of automation tools built to make conducting all types of evidence reviews or synthesis easier and faster. As each tool is designed to help with a specific review task, people can use as many or as few as they like. From Bond University.