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Register Your Protocol

Depending on your discipline and needs for your review, consider registering your protocol before beginning your research. Registering your protocol promotes transparency and helps avoid questionable research practices. 

Some places to consider registering:

Search PROSPERO to discover previously registered work.

Guidance Notes for Registering a Systematic Review Protocol with PROSPERO

Registering in PROSPERO

PROSPERO Inclusion Criteria


Note: Organizations such as the Cochrane CollaborationJoanna Briggs Institute (JBI) or Campbell Collaboration listed below have their own guidance and templates for systematic reviews - please contact the organizations for additional information. 

  • Cochrane A repository for systematic reviews in health care, Cochrane publishes protocols that meet their strict guidelines. If a review protocol is accepted, you must publish your review as a Cochrane Review

Search the Cochrane Library for any published protocols or reviews related to your topic of interest. Make sure your proposal does not duplicate any work already published or registered with Cochrane: You can also search the Cochrane website 'Our Evidence' section to identify published protocols and reviews, with links to the Cochrane Library, as well as the titles of reviews that have been registered and commenced, but do not yet have published protocols (see Chapter II: Planning a Cochrane Review).

Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 6.4, 2023

Section II.1.4 Cochrane Protocols 

Cochrane MECIR Manual Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews (MECIR) Standards for the Conduct and Reporting of New Cochrane Intervention Reviews, Reporting of Protocols and the Planning, Conduct and Reporting of Updates. The MECIR Standards are methodological standards to which all Cochrane Protocols, Reviews, and Updates are expected to adhere.

How can I Become a Cochrane Author? Writing a Cochrane review is an important contribution to evidence-based healthcare. Whether you're new to Cochrane or a returning author, this page tells you everything you need to know to get started.

Information for Authors Submitting to Cochrane

  • Campbell Collaboration - An international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs. Note: If you submit your protocol  to Campbell you are committing to publish your review in Campbell Systematic Reviews. 

Search Campbell Title Registrations for  a list of all registered titles for systematic reviews or evidence and gap maps that have been accepted by the editor of a Campbell Coordinating Group. When titles progress to the protocol stage, the protocol is published in the Campbell Systematic Reviews journal (see Searching for Studies: A Guide to Information Retrieval for Campbell Systematic Reviews).

Campbell Systematic Reviews: Policies and Guidelines 

Publish with Campbell

Campbell Author Guidelines

Submitting a Proposal

Methodological Expectations of Campbell Collaboration Intervention Reviews (MECCIR) Download the latest MECCIR conduct standards and MECCIR reporting standards from the Campbell Author Guidelines.

JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis The JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis is designed to provide authors with a comprehensive guide to conducting JBI systematic reviews. It describes in detail the process of planning, undertaking and writing up a systematic review using JBI methods. See 3.2: Development of a protocol for a systematic review of effectiveness evidence