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Online Scholarly Identity

What is online scholarly identity?

Accurately connecting researchers to their works and differentiating one scholar from another can be very difficult in the digital age. Such work is essential to the scholarly communications system, however, and the organizations that manage databases and research information systems have developed various means of authoritatively distinguishing the identity and output of different scholars.

Databases, indexes, and search engines like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar use algorithms to compile author profiles which list institutional affiliation and contact information alongside a list of works attributed to them. But these programs are not perfect and papers are often attributed to the wrong scholar of the same name. These profiles should be reviewed and maintained by the scholars themselves.

Scholars can also create and curate their online identity using standalone services like ORCiD. Obtaining an Open Researcher and Contributor ID enables a scholar to identify themselves and their work by a unique number which also serves as a link to their profile. In addition to scholarly publications and presentations, ORCiD profiles can provide information about a researcher's education, awards, employment history, and more. Visit the ORCiD website to learn more, or read their 2021 Annual Report.

Researcher profilers and identifiers

Online Scholarly Identity: Profiles and Best Practices


Recording of a webinar offered by Prof. Chris Barnes on November 1, 2023.



Slides are viewable as a PDF file here.

Scholarly identity resources

Assessing and improving the impact of your work

Measures of Influence for Authors

Source: Suelzer, E.M., Jackson, J.L. Measures of Impact for Journals, Articles, and Authors. J GEN INTERN MED (2022).