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New York


NYGenWeb Project

The NYGenWeb Project is the New York affiliate of the USGenWeb Project, dedicated to providing free genealogical and historical information about New York

Italian Genealogical Group

Over 16 million entries of vital records, naturalization and other genealogical records. 

National Archives at New York City

Hold permanent records created by Federal agencies and courts in the following states: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

Brooklyn Newstand

New York TIMES

The Long Island Studies Institute

The Long Island Studies Institute, a cooperative endeavor of Hofstra University and Nassau County, is a major center for the study of Long Island local and regional history. The Institute's research facility includes the Nassau County Museum's reference collection and Hofstra University's James N. MacLean American Legion Memorial collection. These resources – books, photographs, newspapers, maps, census records, genealogies, government documents, manuscripts, and audiovisual materials – constitute a rich repository for local history research. The Institute's collections are available to scholars, teachers, students, and the general public.

New York Genealogy – Free New York Genealogy
