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Academic Library and the New York State Budget

What does the New York State Budget has to do with a library in a private university?

  • Adelphi University is one of fifteen academic institutions on Long Island that receives funding from the State's Coordinated Collection Development Aid (CCDA) program. The funds are used to help libaries build collections. Information on the CCDA program.  
  • Long Island Library Resources Council (LILRC) is supported in part by State Aid. 


What does LILRC do for us?

  • LILRC staff act as liaison between the libraries and the State in facilitating the CCDA program. They handle the paperwork and assist the library with the complicated application process.
  • Resource sharing
  • Continuing education
  • Grants
  • Archive and museum services
  • And more!

For more information.


How does this help students?

  • Library faculty, staff and administrators attend continuing education programs to enhance their knowledge, thus benefitting students. 
  • Access to materials obtained througth CCDA funding.. 
  • Access to materials by use of ressource sharing provided by LILRC.