How do I determine if my work is open access (OA) and find the license?
To be considered open access, a work must have been published or shared using an open license. The most popular open licenses are from Creative Commons (CC). Each CC license guarantees perpetual free access to the work and grants various additional rights to end users depending on the specific license chosen (CC BY, CC BY-SA, etc.). For more information about OA licensing and publishing, see the Open Access and Scholarly Communications guide.
You can find the CC license as a symbol, a hyperlink, or plain text statement in the section of the work containing bibliographic and copyright information. If you need help determining the OA status of your work or identifying the open license, please contact
What is a digital object identifier (DOI)?
A DOI is a short, unique code assigned to a digital work which serves to identify it online. Every DOI also serves as a permanent link to its registered work, and they are now recommended in references and bibliographies.
What is the file size limit?
The largest file we currently accept without additional discussion is 500GB, but we can accommodate files up to 5TB on a case-by-case basis. For videos and a few other file types, we may recommend hosting the work on a third-party site like YouTube.
How does Scholarly Works differ from or work with ORCiD?
ORCiD is a scholarly identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and provides a means of sharing links to your work and information about your education, awards, professional experience, and so on. Scholarly Works, on the other hand, is a repository, meaning that you can upload your unpublished works, like presentations and data sets, and researchers around the world can download them for free. You can add a link to your ORCiD profile to your Scholarly Works and vice versa so that readers can easily move from one to the other.