Library databases are designed to help you find articles (or chapters, conference reports, etc.) on a topic.
Most of our databases contain the full text of the article, link to that full text in another subscribed resource, or provide a link to request the item through Interlibrary Borrowing. If you need help, please ask a librarian.
To find out if we subscribe to a specific database, or to locate a database for your subject area, visit
Note: You can also search for databases, articles, and more by searching in OneSearch (with "OneSearch" selected). This search will bring you to the OneSearch product rather than the databases listing.
Multidisciplinary databases contain articles and materials on a variety of topics, rather than focusing on just one topic. These databases appear as suggested resources on multiple LibGuide pages because they contain materials that are helpful to researchers in multiple subject areas.
You can search in OneSearch for articles on your topic.
Citation Lookup
There are a few ways to find out if Adelphi has access to a specific journal from
Citation Lookup