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Water Pollution, Pollutants and Public Health: Home

This LibGuide provides information resources about aquatic pollutants and their effects on living organisms including humans.


Welcome to the LibGuide for CSTEP (0952-110-045; Nitrified:Water Quality on Long Island). This LibGuide informs you about the resources that you can use for your assignments.  Here you will find a few examples of books (print and electronic)  on water pollution and pollutants that we have in AU Libraries. You should search Adelphi University Libraries Online Catalog to look for more books on your topics. For scholarly articles on water pollution and its different aspects, you should search the databases listed in this LIbGuide.  A compiled list of authoritative websites can also be found in this guide. All the active links are in bold. If you click on those words or phrases in bold , they will take you directly to the pages where the information can be found.  The list will be updated frequently to keep the resources current.