Jeffrey Beall conducted an extensive research on Open Aceess (OA) publications, developed and maintained a blacklist of “potential, possible, or probable “ predatory publishers and journals. Although Beall’s list was a very popular resource for identifying the predatory journals and publishers, the list is no longer available or updated to consult. The archived versions of Beall’s lists are available at:
Professor Beall did not update his own lists after January, 2017. However, an anonymous person has assumed the responsibility of updating Beall's list by adding new predatory journals and publishers to the end of each list.These lists are available at:
A subscription based list of questionable or deceptive journals developed by Cabells International is known as Cabell's Blacklist. A review of this Blacklist is available at:
AU Libraries do not subscribe to Cabell's Blacklist at present. But, Cabell's Predatory Report Criteria are freely available here.