If you’re a student who has autism spectrum disorder, a nonverbal learning disability, or problems with executive functioning or socialization, you may feel anxious about the many differences between high school and college.
The Bridges to Adelphi Program offers individualized comprehensive academic, social and vocational services that are designed to make that transition easier.
This fee-based program offers regularly scheduled meetings to help with executive functioning and time management issues, problem-solving skills, and a wide variety of social opportunities.
Adelphi University International
The Student Access Office ensures equal access to all of Adelphi University’s programs, services and facilities for students with documented needs. Through assistance, advocacy and reasonable accommodations, the office provides an accessible and supportive campus environment.
Office of International Services
As the campus support system for international students, the Office of International Services promotes international awareness among the members of the Adelphi community and provides you with advisement on immigration regulations and procedures.
The center fosters the ecumenical spirit on the campus; provides opportunities for worship and fellowship; and encourages discussion of spiritual values and sharing of religious traditions.
The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs provides leadership to the campus and support to the Provost on issues related to faculty recruitment, retention, and mentoring, with particular attention to working with search committees to assist in attracting a diverse and highly qualified pool of applicants. The Provost actively addresses discrimination and harassment allegations in a proactive, developmental manner in accordance with University policy and refer such matters to the appropriate University office, individual, or committee in accordance with University policy.
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity is an affirmation of the richness of human differences, ideas, and beliefs. It encompasses the range of human differences that includes age, gender, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability and sexual orientation as well as the invisible differences such as religion, nationality, socioeconomic status, belief-systems, thought-styles, military experience and education. Adelphi University values and supports diversity to ensure that we are the model for a socially just and inclusive institution.
Diversity Committee
Adelphi University’s Diversity Committee is a campus-wide committee reporting to the Provost. Formed in 1998, the committee has been charged with providing leadership and advancing the University’s diversity goals. Committee membership includes representation from faculty, staff, administrators and students from all areas of the campus community.
Discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking), and retaliation of any type will not be tolerated at Adelphi University. Upon notice, the University will act to end the discrimination, harassment or retaliation; prevent its recurrence; and remedy its effects on the victim and the University community.
Office of Multicultural Affairs
Multicultural Affairs is an area within the Center for Student Involvement that seeks to promote an inclusive and socially just university environment. Multicultural Affairs acts as an educational resource that prepares college students to succeed in a heterogeneous and constantly evolving society. We encourage all members of the campus community to participate in our programs. Through collaboration with various University departments and students, we provide activities and services that educate and empower students, faculty and staff. Multicultural Affairs seeks to explore the complex intersection of our social identities such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, and spiritual diversity.
At Adelphi, we are honored to help the military community shape their futures by pursuing a degree. Our goal is to offer all the resources necessary for our veteran and active military students to achieve their collegiate goals. The Veteran Resource Center is here to do just that, by assisting Adelphi’s veterans, active duty military students and related community.
About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Adelphi University
We believe that diversity benefits our entire community, fosters successful decision making and enhances the learning environment and outcomes of our students. Adelphi University is committed to supporting dialogues and activities that demonstrate how we value and support diversity and ensuring that we are the model for a socially just and inclusive institution.
Adelphi University’s Diversity Committee is a campus-wide committee reporting to the Provost. Formed in 1998, the committee has been charged with providing leadership and advancing the University’s diversity goals. Committee membership includes representation from faculty, staff, administrators and students from all areas of the campus community. The committee underscores the importance of advancing diversity within institutions of higher education to reflect the changing demographics of the population and the growing globalization of society. The committee’s definition of diversity includes race, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic predisposition or carrier status, religion, marital status, veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable local, state, or federal laws.
Diversity Organization and Initiatives
Community members across our campus have organized around goals and initiatives which aim to advance the cause of diversity at Adelphi. The following are a small sample of the wide range of activities which occur every year on Adelphi’s campus.
Student Cultural Awareness Services and Resources
A variety of diversity-focused resources are offered by the Office of Student Affairs to the student community.
As a contemporary institution of learning, Adelphi University encourages students, faculty and staff to seek educational experiences outside of the traditional classroom. A variety of diversity-focused training and mentoring programs provide opportunities for members of our community to broaden their horizons and improve our campus climate for all individuals.
Starting in December 2006, a group of faculty, staff, administrators and students planned a campus-wide series of events that were held during Fall 2007, focusing on women, peace and justice. After working together over the course of that year, this founders circle decided to constitute this effort for long-term engagement under the organizational name, the Collaboration Project. Lengthy discussions took place about the focus and goals of this new endeavor. We determined that this project would work toward fostering an inclusive, representative and reflective community concerned with raising awareness and cultivating mutual understanding about issues of justice and equality for all. Our goal is to build community and fostering multi- and inter-generational understanding among faculty, students, staff, administrators and the community at-large and student leadership development in social justice related efforts.
The Adelphi University Diversity Certificate Program is designed to promote a positive, respectful work place and learning space for all of our constituents. It is supported by the Office of Human Resources, Office of the Provost, Office of the President and the University Diversity Committee. The Diversity Certificate program is intended to address diversity and inclusion holistically including, but is not limited to, race, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, and marital and veteran status.