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Disability Studies

Non-fiction Awards: Disability Studies

Outstanding Book Award Work relating to the history of disability (Disability History Association).

2020: Sarah Handley-Cousins, Bodies in Blue: Disability in the Civil War North (University of Georgia Press, 2019).

2019, Co-winners:

Michael Rembis, Catherine Kudlick, and Kim E. Nielsen, The Oxford Handbook of Disability History (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Anne E. Parsons, From Asylum to Prison: Deinstitutionalization and the Rise of Mass Incarceration after 1945 (University of North Carolina Press, 2018).

2018: Sarah F. Rose, No Right to Be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1840s-1930s (University of North Carolina Press, 2017).

2017 (Book Chapter Award):

Laura Micheletti Puaca, “The Largest Occupational Group of All the Disabled: Homemakers with Disabilities and Vocational Rehabilitation in Postwar America,” in Disabling Domesticity, ed. Michael Rembis (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 73-102.

2016: Sara Scalenghe, Disability in the Ottoman Arab World, 1500-1800 (Cambridge University Press, 2014).

Outstanding Publication in the Sociology of Disability (Disability in Society Section - American Sociological Association)

2020, Co-winners:

Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, Does Compliance Matter in Special Education? IDEA and the Hidden Inequities of Practice (Teacher’s College Press, 2018).

David Pettinicchio, Politics of Empowerment: Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform (Stanford University Press, 2019).

2019: Michelle Maroto, David Pettinicchio, and Andrew C. Patterson, “Hierarchies of Categorical Disadvantage: Economic Insecurity at the Intersection of Disability, Gender, and Race,” Gender & Society 33(1):64-93. 2019.

2018: Meryl Alper, Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality (MIT Press, 2017).
2017, Co-winners:

Angela Frederick, “Risky Mothers and the Normalcy Project: Women with Disabilities Negotiate Scientific Motherhood,” Gender and Society 31(1):74-95. 2017:

Carrie L. Shandra and Anna Penner, “Benefactors and Beneficiaries? Disability and Care to Others,” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(4):1160-1185. 2017:

2016: Linda M. Blum, Raising Generation Rx: Mothering Kids with Invisible Disabilities in an Age of Inequality (New York University Press, 2015).