Why Background Research?
To become familiar with concepts and vocabulary that is used and help you narrow down your topic. If you don't have the right words or phrases, your searches will give you poor answers. Your background information gives you keywords, key phrase, names, events, sub-topics.
Where do you find this background information?
- Reference and eReference material
- Suggested sources to the right
Examples of keywords and phrases for these topics:
- gender AND race AND gangs
- "self-esteem" AND sports
- "self-esteem" AND gangs
- sport sociology
- race AND sport
- race AND "social movements"
- (gender OR sex) AND "social movements"
- "gender identity" AND sports
- disability AND sport
- gang (membership OR affiliation)
- sports AND (membership OR identification)
- (global OR societal) AND change AND sports
Then what? Use your new keywords and have a search strategy when looking for articles.