Best Practices for ALL Students
When working with students with learning differences the following strategies are used by LD teachers--yet these teaching accommodations will benefit most any student.
Teaching Strategies
Predictable routine, Structured environment
- Warm-up, "to do," copy homework from board
- Introduce/preview information in the same manner each new topic
- Use keywords in lecturing--"first, second," "to summarize," main point, supporting point, concluding point
Reduce verbal language while teaching--the most difficult!
- Use a slower rate of speech. Really.
- Enunciate clearly, without exaggeration
- Use body movements and natural gestures
- Integrate "wait time" into question asking and presentation of information
Present information in small chunks
- Allow for breaks--stretching, change topic for 2 minutes
- Allow time for processing
- Check for comprehension
- Review the next day
Reduced noise and distractions
For students needing it (IEPs)--extra time, reader, note-takers, scribe
Ask for feedback from students
- Too fast? Too slow?
- Ask each student to anonymously write down/email what they thought the point of the lesson was
- Then adjust accordingly!
Provide concrete examples
- Of good essays, good iMovies, good digital presentations, good outlines, good note cards
Teach direct concepts
- Try not to rely on implication or deduction without explaining it
Teach direct behaviors wanted
- Avoid sarcasm and explain metaphorical language--the abstract is impossible for some
- "Stop talking," "Close your laptops," "Take out your note cards," "Log on to NoodleBib"
- Do not start with "it would be a good idea...," or "you might want to...," or "somebody is talking..."
Encourage and reward students who come for extra help or further clarification
Actively teach note-taking & organizational skills
- Outline on board, verbalize outline, copy outline--check for copy accuracy
- Insert information during lecture or film
- Ask for summary of what the outline means at end of period
- Repeat (for weeks) until you have them create their own outline