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Adelphi Resources

Grants & Funding Sources

Adelphi University’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs' mission is to provide support to faculty, students, and administrators in their efforts to obtain funding that enhances research, teaching, and scholarship at the University. The office maintains a constantly updated list of grants and other funding sources available for faculty research, projects and professional development. Faculty members are encouraged to reach out to locate resources.

Grants and Funding Sources Explore internal, external and international faculty development grant opportunities.

Grant Writing Handbook for Adelphi University This seventh edition of the handbook from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides general information about grants, grant writing, and University policies concerning the processing of grant proposals. 

SPIN Database - A searchable database for grants. To access SPIN and discuss your work, call Mary Cortina, PhD, director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, at 516.877.3259.

Funding Support for Students