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A database is a tool to help you find quality information in publications such as academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. In the library the word database usually refers to a subscription database. The library subscribes to a database, similarly to how you would subscribe to an individual magazine or newspaper. 

There are many different types of databases. Some are specifically for Nursing, general information, interdisciplinary, etc.

To see a listing of databases recommended for topics in Nursing, go to the library homepage. Type Nursing in the search box and select Databases & More.


To see a full list of the library's databases choose Advanced Search, then A-Z Databases & More in the gold menu bar at the top of the page. At the A-Z Databases & More page you can sort by subject. 


Below are some of the recommended databases. Hover over the title for more information on each database. For help with searching in the databases, please contact Prof. Lori Caniano.







Limiters allow you to select attributes to refine your search. Limiters are often on the advanced search screen and as a menu on the results page. Common limiters include: date, full-text, peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and document type. 

Boolean Searching

Boolean searching uses operators "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to maximize the relevancy and effectiveness of the search. This is a common way to search when using databases. Click on the image below to see how it works.


Truncation is a searching technique where you replace the end of the word with a symbol. Most databases use an asterisk (*). Using this technique will help you when you aren't sure which word you are looking for or want to search multiple forms. For example, child* with the asterisk will show results for child, children, childhood; while child with no asterisk will show results for child only.