Videos dealing with diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, and cultural competence
Selected Cultural Diversity/Cultural Competence Videos
The Libraries have access to many videos dealing with different aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion. Some selected titles are listed below.
Body language: Cultural differences30 mins. Diversity specialist Norine Dresser outlines differences in behaviors among non-U.S. cultures and introduces multicultural manners. The program covers such topics as greetings, shaking hands, eye contact, smiling, embracing, and kissing; emphasizes that acceptable norms vary among cultures and examines cultural variations in eating customs.
Call Number: Swirbul DVD BF637.N66 B63 2007
Streaming Videos:
America to MeAward-winning 10-video series directed by Steve James that focus on a year at Chicago’s Oak Park and River Forest High School (OPRFHS), widely considered to be a safe, well-integrated, academically strong school. In episode 1, we meet some of its students of color and their families, who have sacrificed to live in this popular district. Their stories begin to reveal the racial cracks and realities of the permanence of racism.
In the final episode, we witness the resilience of the students and teachers of Oak Park and River Forest High School (OPRFHS) in their quest to find agency, racial identity validation, and community.
Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion9 mins. Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series. Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion is a timely video that will engage participants as they watch the Cutting Edge team work through their own issues of unconscious bias, micro-aggressions and diversity issues.
Are We Really So Different, You and I?2 mins. An Inspirational Diversity Meeting Opener Video. So often we focus on what makes us different, but in reality, there is far more that we have in common. This emotionally moving, inspirational video follows the circle of life as it highlights the common values and motivations that we share as human beings. A compelling way to start any diversity training program, Are We Really So Different You and I? This will put your audience in the right frame of mind to discuss the critically important topic of diversity. There is also a male narration version of this video:
Beliefs and Believers. Class 22, Social Dimension : Religious Diversity22 mins. Focuses on issues that emerge from religious diversity. Students hone the worldview analysis skills introduced at the beginning of the course by applying them to the "religious ecology" of the United States - the most religiously diverse country in the world. Factors contributing to religious diversity are outlined in opening lesson segments. Investigative interviews with religious leaders reveal the sociological factors that often result in dilemmas behind the institutionalization of religion.
Cross Cultural Communication36 mins. This program explores the significance of cultural variations in manners, dress, and public behavior; looks at business logic and negotiation styles; covers paralanguage, proxemics, speech patterns, and conversation; and discusses power issues and miscommunication.
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace35 mins. The U.S. Census projects that by 2050, the Hispanic and Asian populations will both triple and as the U.S. becomes more ethnically and racially diverse, there is a need for healthcare systems and providers that can reflect and respond to an increasingly heterogeneous patient base. Knowing how to serve people with different values, health beliefs and alternative perspectives about health and wellness is a must in Healthcare. Join us for practical and effective methods of recognizing and dealing with the special needs of different cultures. Healthcare Professionals will be informed of cultural considerations as well as how to promote effective cross-cultural communication. 35 mins.
24 video series on different aspects of diversity from Alexander Street Videos.
Developing Cultural Humility and Multicultural Orientation83 mins. In this video, Doctors Sidney Shaw and Stephanie J. W. Ford define, discuss and demonstrate cultural humility and multicultural orientation. They compare how these concepts complement and enhance the multicultural competencies most graduate students are taught in their training programs. Viewers will watch Dr. Shaw work with a client as he demonstrates multicultural orientation and cultural humility in three separate vignettes. Debriefing and discussion follow each segment to underscore what went well, and what areas could be improved. Concepts discussed and demonstrated in this video are: Broaching the topic; microaggressions; counselor privilege, dynamic sizing; process-orientation, and culture of feedback.
Diversity Made Simple11 mins. Embracing diversity and inclusion has become paramount for organizations who wish to succeed in today's business world. This brand new 2017 production emphasizes that diversity is far more than harassment and discrimination. It means seeking, accepting and including all of the diverse traits, beliefs, talents, knowledge, styles and experience employees bring to the workplace, regardless of a legal obligation to do so. This video-based diversity course answers three important questions: What is diversity? Why is diversity important? How can employees embrace diversity? Using respect, inclusion and finding common ground this course will teach your employees to value and embrace diversity and inclusion. All interactions at work should begin with respect. Every co-worker is worthy of respect and should be respected. Every employee should strive for inclusion and should make an effort to find ways to seek advice and ideas from co-workers they do not usually interact with. And, lastly, every employee should look to find common ground with co-workers from different cultures, faiths, beliefs, and experiences.
Great Minds on Respect, Tolerance and Diversity3 mins. Subtitle: Wisdom on Respect, Tolerance and Diversity from Some of History's Greatest Minds. Inspiring quotes from some of history's greatest leaders set to dramatic music and coupled with classic footage. Let the likes of John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. inspire and motivate you through their own words, pictures, and video. A great way to start any meeting or training session, the Great Minds will put your group in the right frame of mind for success. This video contains quotes from Mark Twain, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Einstein, James Ellison, Franklin Thomas, Sandra Day O'Connor, Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Group Dynamics in a Multicultural World102 mins. We live in an increasingly multicultural world. When we interact with people from racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds different from our own, tension and stress sometimes arise, especially when we are not accustomed to interacting with those outside our social identity group. Our values, beliefs, and hidden assumptions can lead to discomfort and confrontation in group settings. This can have the effect of the 'fight or flight' response in participants. The purpose of this video is to develop awareness and understanding of the racial , ethnic, and cultural dynamics that occur in groups and organizations. This video will instruct viewers in acknowledging rather than ignoring those differences and tensions, and will instruct viewers in discussing those differences openly and constructively.
Homophobic Abuse6 mins. A short dramatic reconstruction of an aggressive outburst from a student who verbally abuses another student using homophobic language. In this scenario, the teacher fails to control the situation and it escalates. What could the teacher have done differently? A panel featuring Senior Education Psychologist Tina Rae and working teachers go through the scenario, offering clear and straightforward advice on how teachers might handle challenging situations like this. The discussion focuses on calming body language, consistent challenging of abuse and an agreed script to use when challenging.
Managing Diversity & Inclusion8 mins. Organizations today need the full gamut of human judgment, perspective, passion and creativity to not only keep up with their competitors, but to increase their agility and inventiveness and realise their full potential. The key to this is diversity and inclusion. This training video will explore the various steps that you can take to create a diverse and inclusive environment.
Microaggressions: The New Face of Discrimination78 mins. First coined by American psychiatrist Chester Pierce, microaggressions are often described as, "brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of other races."This powerful video provides twenty examples of microaggressions in everyday life. These include microaggressions based on race, disability, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion. Several scenarios show how the intersections of multiple identities influence the types of microaggressions experienced.Dr. Nadal, Dr. Rivera, and Dr. Watkins engage in dialogue surrounding these microaggressions to better help viewers understand the complexity of these types of situations, as well as the difficulty in addressing these forms of subtle discrimination when they occur. They provide clinical insights and personal reactions to each scenario, as well as the multiple ways that people may feel or react to these microaggressions when they occur.
My Whole Self28 mins. My Whole Self is a documentary on microaggressions and gender and intersectionality. It explores the subtle forms of gender bias experienced by women across lines of difference.
Overcoming Personal Barriers to Diversity20 mins. Take Away Training series. Many enlightened organisations now see diversity and inclusion programs as more than mere compliance issues û they are ways to increase market share, employee retention and innovation. Psychologist Peter Quarry provides a number of practical strategies that will help the individual change their negative thinking and reactions to people from different backgrounds. This program is a great discussion starter.
Prejudice and Discrimination10 mins. Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series. Carol and Marcus must get rid of prejudice and discrimination from Cutting Edge. Marcus holds a training session with everyone wearing different hats to explore the outcome of pre-judging just because of first impressions, and Casey falls victim to bad feedback on her first impressions. Sam enlightens viewers with an explanation of prejudice and mob mentality, while Dion encounters prejudice on account of his relationship to Marcus. While no-one is completely immune from displaying prejudice, ensuing discrimination can be prevented by withholding judgment. Everyone must learn about and show respect, empathy, raising standards and setting rules for better conduct are the means to a fairer workplace. 10 mins.
Racial Abuse6 mins.
Racial Abuse features a short dramatic reconstruction of a violent and aggressive outburst from a student who racially abuses a teacher. In this scenario, the teacher deals with the situation firmly and calmly preventing it from escalating and disrupting the class. What did the teacher do that was so effective in dealing with the racial abuse? A panel featuring Senior Education Psychologist Tina Rae and working teachers go through the scenario, offering clear and straightforward advice on how teachers might handle challenging situations like this. The discussion focuses on body language, response plans and reparation.
Reveal Moments : Microaggressions in Everyday Life27 mins.
Reveal Moments is an intimate portrait of four people of color in the Pacific Northwest coping with microaggressions in everyday life. Their vivid stories create "reveal" moments, where the truth about lived experience shines and inspires. A white ally discusses his experience of privilege as he struggles to learn about and change his own racial bias.
Social & Cultural Diversity: Discussing Race52 mins.
CACREP : Essential Skills for Counseling Practice series. In this program, Drs. Dermer and Ellis discuss the development of race-based attitudes, internalized oppression, and racial bias. Dr. Ellis answers questions concerning the development of race-based attitudes, how internalized oppression forms in minorities, and how racial bias forms in society. The current social and cultural contexts of the United States are used to provide real-world examples of the issues addressed.
Stereotyping and Diversity9 mins. Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series. Most of us resort to stereotyping when dealing with management, colleagues, suppliers, regulators and clients. As Steve, Dion and Barney explain, it doesn't matter where we come from, or how educated we believe ourselves to be, everyone at some time is guilty of forming blanket opinions based on shallow perceptions. Carol winces when she sees Dion arriving for his first day on the job, in nightclub gear. Sam and Sanjay mock Serena's apparent singleton status. Prompted by Serena's concern, Marcus sets up a stereotyping training session, asking everyone to wear a silly hat. But the staff end up attacking Casey over her choice of hat.
Understanding Total Diversity53 mins.
This program teaches how to meet the needs of diverse populations in the classroom and presents methods and activities that enhance cultural competency. Culture is more than just ethnicity. Cultural Competency: Understanding Total Diversity enables you to broaden your view of culture, and learn how to better meet the needs of the populations you (or you would like to) serve. The video examines how to assess your personal and organizational level of competence. The video also discusses methods and activities that can help enhance your personal level of cultural competency and, ultimately, that of your organization. In addition, the video explores information-gathering, outreach, program adaptation, and potential participant conflict that occurs when engaging new participants. Thought-provoking and suited to group participation, the video guides you through pair-and-share and team discussion to help you advance along the cultural-competence continuum.
What are you?29 mins. What Are You? is an intimate portrait of growing up gay, lesbian, bisexual, gender non-conforming, and transgender in the Pacific Northwest. Issues discussed include microaggressions, coming out, the gender binary, discrimination at the workplace, and family dynamics.
A World of Differences: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication35 mins. When we encounter people from other societies or cultures, we may fail to understand them for many reasons, including differences in language, values, gestures, emotional expression, norms, rituals, rules, expectations, family background, and life experiences. This extraordinary video shows that cross-cultural communication can be successful if we manage to understand the powerful differences that separate people who come from differing cultures.The video examines 14 key facets of cross-cultural miscommunication.
A World of Gestures: Culture and Nonverbal Communication27 mins. This often humorous and always entertaining video explores gestures from cultures around the world. While American gestures for such messages as "OK," "Shame on you," and "Crazy" are well-known in this country, gestures from other societies provide fascinating cross-cultural examples of nonverbal communication. A World of Gestures shows people from dozens of countries performing gestures that are by turns powerful, provocative, poignant, subtle -- and sometimes outrageous. The video examines angry gestures, obscene gestures, friendly gestures, warning gestures, the development of gestures in children, gang gestures, secret gestures, and embarrassing gestures. Many types of gestures are illustrated, including those for beauty, sexual behavior, suicide, aggression, and love.The video also examines the meaning and function of gestures as a form of nonverbal communication and studies their origins and emotional significance. Many issues are explored: Why do some cultures have many obscene gestures and others none? How are new gestures created in a society? How do children acquire "fluency" in gestures? A World of Gestures is essential viewing for a wide variety of courses in psychology, sociology, communication, speech, and anthropology. Viewers are guaranteed a greatly enhanced appreciation of cultural diversity and richness -- and of the power of nonverbal communication.
Selected Cultural Diversity/Cultural Competence in Healthcare Videos
Counseling Arab Americans II: Clinical Vignettes106 mins. This demonstration DVD presents three clinical vignettes of a therapist working individually with members of an Arab American family. The authors explore each demonstrated counseling session in terms of diversity of presenting issues, treatment goals, appropriate interventions, and helpful cultural knowledge. A concluding discussion explores overall issues within the family and community systems.
Cultural Awareness in Healthcare Series33 video series. Includes the CLAS standards in health care, or the standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services.
Cultural Competence in the Helping Professions79 mins. What is cultural competence? What is multicultural counseling and therapy? Is there any difference between counseling a White client as opposed to a Black one? What do we mean by multiculturalism? Does it include gender, sexual orientation, class, religion and other sociodemographic groups? This DVD answers these questions and more--students will learn key basics for practice and the deeper meanings of identity development.
Cultural Diversity & Healthcare Competency35 mins. Culturally competent care adapts care interventions to the cultural needs and preferences (ethnic and religious beliefs, values, and practices) of diverse clients. This program provides practical and effective methods of recognizing and dealing with the special needs of different cultures. 35 mins.
Cultural Diversity: Orientation for Asian Cultures57 mins. This video is the first of its kind to explain the major differences in nursing between the East and the West at the philosophical and cultural levels with concrete examples. Join us as Dr. Yu Xu (PhD and RN) discusses these cultural differences. This video is essential for foreign nurses and for those who work with foreign nurses.
Culturally Sensitive Counseling with Latinos77 mins. Arredondo assures us that we do not have to part ways with our hard-learned therapeutic models and techniques. Instead, she presents a multiculturally-informed Latino framework wide enough to embrace our own current practices. Introducing us to the Latino worldview rooted in "marianismo," "machismo" and "caballerismo," she provides clinicians with a broader, sharper and more effective range of therapeutic tools. These will help focus our interviewing questions, de-pathologize our assessments and enhance our case-conceptualization and treatment planning.Embedded in the clinical demonstration is a powerful and instructive role-play that brings to life her poignant culture-sensitive focus. We watch her masterfully guide a Latina client through a difficult life decision involving family dynamics and identity formation. In the process, whether we are clinicians or clinical educators, we learn how to use this clinical experience to raise client awareness and move them towards fulfilling change. Finally, you will develop a clear appreciation for the complex impact of a client's immigration status on their presenting problem. From that vantage point, you will begin to integrate this focus into your clinical work with individuals and families. By watching this video, you will: 1. identify the core clinical issues to address when working with Latino clients; 2. appreciate assumptions and biases that may undermine your therapeutic effectiveness; 3. develop culturally-sensitive insight and clinical interviewing skills." Supplied by publisher.
Dignity and Respect: Showing Our Patients Cultural Sensitivity17 mins. "In an effort to help facilities provide quality patient care, standards issued by The Joint Commission emphasize cultural competence and sensitivity to issues regarding culture, race, gender, sexual orientation, functional ability and economic situation. Program Highlights Define cultural competency and why it is important Teach the importance of understanding cultural variation. Encourage the asking of questions for more complete patient understanding. Stimulate staff to learn how patients display cultural expression. Show how cultural competency can lead to better patient care. Achieve compliance with The Joint Commission's Population-Served Standard."
Multicultural Competence in Counseling & Psychotherapy84 mins. In this interview, cross-cultural expert Derald Wing Sue discusses the history of multicultural counseling, the unmet needs of diverse clients, and ways to counter the culture-bound values that can negatively influence therapy. Sue outlines white privilege and implicit bias in detail, and provides an overview of microagressions, developing multicultural competence, and his clinical training program designed to immerse students in diverse cultures. You will learn about the origins of Sue's research, the impact of conventional practice on clients of color, and clinical practices and interventions to enhance cross-cultural awareness and competence. Intended for students and practitioners in clinical psychology, counseling, social work, and related health professions." Supplied by publisher.
Multicultural Counseling SeriesA collection of videos on working with multicultural populations from the American Psychological Association. 15 videos.
Overview of Cultural Diversity6 mins. This instructional video, from the Cultural Awareness for Medical Assistants series produced by Medcom, Inc., is about cultural diversity issues in medical care.
Overview of Culturally Competent Care6 mins.
This instructional video, from the Cultural Awareness for Medical Assistants series produced by Medcom, Inc., is about providing culturally competent medical care.
Understanding the Need: Cultural Differences2 mins.
This instructional video, from the Cultural Awareness in Healthcare series produced by MedCom, Inc., is about cultural differences in views on health care.
Understanding the Need: Ethnocentrism2 mins. This instructional video, from the Cultural Awareness in Healthcare series produced by MedCom, Inc., is about ethnocentrism in health care.